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Special Awards F.A.Q.

Q: How can I sponsor a Special Award? A: Professional organizations, corporations, and higher learning institutions can sponsor a Special Award in many different ways. They may provide monetary prizes, plaques, trophies, or scholarships. If you are interested in sponsoring a Special Award, please contact our Director of Awards and Scholarships, Mary-Rita Bonner, at

Q: Do I need to send judges for my Special Award? A: Yes. If an organization sponsors a Special Award, they must send judges to select winning projects that meet their criteria.

Q: Who creates/prints the certificates for the students? A: Some organizations bring their certificates and plaques to the Awards Ceremony. If you have a digital certificate, at least two weeks prior to the fair you can send it to so it can be printed and given to students at the Awards Ceremony.

Q: I would like to hand out our Special Awards at the Awards Ceremony. What should I do? A: If a representative from your organization would like to participate in the Awards Ceremony, please be sure to notify Mary-Rita Bonner on Judging Day so we can prepare accordingly.

Q: Do I have to attend the Awards Ceremony or will DVSF hand out our prize? A: Special Awards organizations do not need to be present for the Awards Ceremony. DVSF will be happy to distribute your awards for you.

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