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Teachers F.A.Q.

Q: I don’t feel comfortable sharing my student’s personal email or I don’t know the student’s personal email. What can I do? A: First verify whether or not the school email address is able to receive external emails to students. If the student accounts can receive email from or addresses, then use the school account. If not, contact the parents/guardians and determine what other options might be available. A parent’s address would be best. Students will need to be able to check for messages in case there are issues with the process.

Q: Do I need to chaperone my students? A: You do not need to chaperone your students. Teachers and parents are not allowed in the exhibit hall during judging.

Q: Will there be a place for me to sit and connect to WiFi during DVSF? A: There is a small area by the entrance to Hall A at the Expo Center for parents and teachers. Space and seating are limited. WiFi is not provided by DVSF. The Expo Center has WiFi access available to purchase. See their website for details.

Contact Us


Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc.

690 Stockton Drive

Suite 105

Exton, PA


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