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Video Presentation Guide

The video presentation is meant to be a replacement for the interview process that usually takes place at a live fair. The presentation must be no longer than 4 minutes. Judges will be instructed to disregard any information that might play after the 4-minute limit and we will remove links that don't comply with the limit. 

Presentation Guide
Good Practice
  • Find a good place to video free of background distractions or busy imagery. You and your achievements should be the focus of the video.

  • Dress appropriately. Professional dress is recommended. ​

  • Be as brief as possible. The deep explanations will be part of your presentation document. 

  • Speak calmly and clearly, it is important that the judges understand what you are trying to communicate. 

  • Stay on track! Focus on YOUR science, it is easy to get distracted from what you have accomplished.

  • Speak as if you are talking to a knowledgeable colleague.  Judges are assigned to categories based on their area of expertise and will have a background in your field of research.

  • Practice first and make multiple videos. Pick the best one.

  • Busy and distracting environments. We know that everyone is stuck at home and peace is hard to come by but try to find a place and time when you and your work can shine.

  • Clothing that gives the impression that you don't care. Avoid displaying words or imagery that others might find offensive or distracting.

  • Rushing and long-winded explanations. You've done good science don't let it get lost because you are too excited to show it. Be proud but be heard!

  • Getting lost on tangents. You have 4 minutes, don't waste it!

  • Talking down to the audience. Those judging you have years of experience in your field, they can understand what you are saying.

  • Waiting until the last moment. A rushed video is apparent and can change the way your project and effort are viewed.

Content Guide

Here are some questions to consider trying to answer. These are intended to show what you have learned from your research. You don't need to answer all of the questions as it is likely that some will not apply to your project. There will be other things that you wish to explain as well. This is the time to show what you have discovered. 

What to Include
  • How did you come up with the idea for this project?

  • What was something interesting you learned from your research?

  • How long did it take you to run the experiment/build the apparatus?

  • How did the equipment work?

  • Do you have any ideas about how the research might be applied?

  • Where in the experiment was it most likely for errors to occur? What are some ways to mitigate the errors?

  • A brief summary of any previous results for background.

  • What new questions arose during the research? What might you study further?


If you built an aparatus consider showing it in action.

What to Keep Out
  • Information that might lead to unintended bias.

    • Your full name​

    • Your school

    • Your teacher's name

    • Your mentor's name if applicable

  • Acknowledgments

  • ​Phrases like "My teacher told me I had to..." Remember this is your work and you should be proud.​

  • Offensive language

  • Images of other people

Contact Us


Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc.

690 Stockton Drive

Suite 105

Exton, PA


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